This onsite, hands-on experience is designed to train the IAQ professional to build a more successful business around the profitable NORMIPro™ Management model of holistic, solution-based assessments. Attendees are given two days of training which includes marketing, business strategies, financial profitability, sampling techniques, laboratory report interpretation, report/protocol writing and IAQ solutions. Get into the minds of the top executives of NORMI and spend time discussing the specifics of your business, its strengths and weaknesses.
Between these two days of classroom training in a hands-on, onsite assessment which includes the following environments: Onsite, hands-on assessments to simulate the actual sampling process are included in each class. Depending on location, arrangements are made to implement the sampling process in an actual house, apartment, small commercial building and/or some relevant property. This gives the students the opportunity to walk-through the process of an assessment and place that assessment in the context of building a relationship with the occupant/owner. Do’s and don’t’ s are discussed to tweak and perfect the marketing/assessment approach, the process and the sale of the recommendations.
Listen to what others have said about this invaluable class:
“This class opened up new possibilities of very real income streams and answered so many questions. Worth every penny!” B. Faust
“Great hands on class. Lots of experience and info needed to take our business to the next level.” C. Swisher
“Very thorough and helpful no matter who you’re talking to from the NORMI staff.” T. Jensen
“Class is very effective and very well organized. Keep up! Great work!” A. Sarandrea
“All assessors need this class!” M. Robinson
“NORMIPro Management, LLC has been incredibly successful in both the residential and commercial environment. Our holistic, solution-based process is now shared through the training as the basis of this higher level certification. There are many pieces of the total assessment process that are included in this class, woven together to create a great business model that any IAQ entrepreneur can follow and by which they will become more successful.”
– Doug Hoffman, CEO of NORMI, Inc